Christophe Theallet ClinicMay 14th & 15th 2022Rider’s Entry Form$300 per Session (plus taxes)Shows@highpointec.comRider Entry’s close 2 weeks prior to the start date of Clinic Rider's Name * First Name Last Name Horse's Name * Trainer * Phone * (###) ### #### Email * Address * Must match Billing Address of Credit Card Complete address, please include your City and Province Postal Code * Preferred Clinic Days * (Days & Times are NOT Guaranteed, but will try to Accommodate) Saturday - $315.00 (taxes included) Sunday - $315.00 (taxes included) Both Days - $630.00 (taxes included) AM - Ride Time PM - Ride Time Scheduling Comments * (This is NOT a Guarantee, but will try to Accommodate.) Cancellation Policy * Full Refunds are Accepted up to 2 weeks before the start of the Clinic. Within the 2 weeks before the clinic, if you are able to find an Rider/Horse your session will be refunded. Within the 2 weeks before the clinic, your stall charge is NOT refundable. Agreement to the Policy Stabling * Day Stall - $42.00 (taxes included) **Recommended** Overnight Stall - $84.00 (taxes included) No Stabling Required Stall Cleaning Charge * At the end of your stay your must strip your stall. If left unstripped, your will be charged $30 plus tax for the stall cleaning service. You agree to the charge if the stall is left un-stripped. Payment Options * Credit Card - Preferred E-Transfer - - must be sent the same day Entries are sent Name on Credit Card * Credit Card Number * Expiry Date * Security Code * Rider's Biography * **Please submit a photography of yourself to be used on the Rider's Biography page.** Horse's Biography * Current Riding Level * Goals * Questions for Christophe: * Waivers * Waivers can be found on the Health Protocol Page. Please email to Health Waiver Site Waiver Vaccine Passports * Vaccine Passports are Mandatory for this Event. Please email to Proof Vaccine Passport has been emailed to Looking forward to seeing you at the Christophe Theallet Clinic!Thank you for Supporting your Sport!If you have any further question please use the email address:shows@highpointec.comSincerely,Kim @ High Point Equestrian Club